
  1. Chapter 1

Chapter 1

  1. 系统开发System Deverloping
    1. 两个概念p2
      1. 计算机应用 computer application
      2. 信息系统 information system
    2. 两个术语p3
      1. 系统分析 S.A. systems analysis(what)
      2. 系统设计 S.D. systems design(how)
      3. (coding to complete it)
  2. 系统开发生命周期 System development lifecycle(SDLC)
    1. 项目 project
    2. SDLC 的六个核心过程 SDLC: six core processes
    3. methodology方法论
    4. 敏捷 agile 迭代 iterative
    5. Agile development、Iterative development
  3. Ridegline Mountain Outfitters(RMO)
    1. 零售商,large retail company
    2. Rocky Mountain and Western states
    3. 供应商管理SRM
  4. 敏捷迭代开发 Iterative Development
    1. 信息系统开发中不变的是“需求一直在变化”。
  5. Developing RMO’s Tradeshow System(–8BRANCHS)
    1. 前置活动 Pre-Project Activities(Core Process 1)
      1. Identify the problem and document the objective of the solution system.
        1. Preliminary investigation
        2. 愿景文档 System Vision Document
      2. Obtain approval to commence the project.
    2. 计划与监测 Planning–Plan and Monitor the Project(Core Process 2)
      1. 工作分解结构 WBS (work breakdown structure)(资源管理、活动前后顺序(PERT计划评审与回顾技术–可以并行任务–压缩工期))
        1. 跟着SDLC后续的4个步骤
      2. 工作顺序草案 WSD (Work sequence draft for iteration)


    3. 发掘与理解细节 (Day2的活动)Discover and understand the details(Core Process 3)(Analysis)
      1. 识别用例图 Identify Use Cases (Both subsystems)
      2. 识别类列表 Identify Object Classes
      3. 初始类图 Preliminary Class Diagram (Both subsystems)
      4. Do preliminary fact-finding tasks to understand the requirements.
      5. Develop a preliminary list of use cases and a use case diagram.
      6. Develop a preliminary list of classes and a class diagram.
    4. 详细分析用例和类(Day3的活动)
      1. 发掘并理解细节 Discover and understand the details(Core Process 3)
      2. 设计系统组件 Design System Components(Core Process 4)
        1. Define the user 经验
      3. 用例图 Use Case Diagram Supplier information subsystem
      4. 活动图 Activity Diagram (Workflow)
      5. 定义屏幕布局 Draft Screen Layout
    5. 设计解决方案系统的各种组件 (Day4)Design System Components(Core Process 4)
      1. 数据库 Database Schema Design the database (schema) 设计数据库
      2. 设计系统高级架构 Design the system’s high level structure
      3. 初步设计类图 Preliminary Design Class Diagram
      4. 子系统架构设计图 Subsystem Architectural Design Diagram
    6. (Day5)Build, Test, and Integrate System Components(Core Process 5)
      1. 广义工作流图 Workflow of Testing Tasks
    7. (Day6)Complete System Testing and Deploy System
      1. 第一次迭代回顾 First Iteration Recap
